Meeting Minutes 10-03-2023
Meeting called to order at 6:30pm
Attendees: Dr. Audis, Tania Higgins, Jennifer Whittemore, Lani Grimaldi-Pierie,
Leslie Schuster, Jennifer Lacey, Tia Knoy, Michelle Bond, Daniel Lamberson, and
Jamie Lamberson
Approval of September meeting minutes and treasurer report: Motion to approve
made by Tania Higgins, second motion made by Leslie Schuster. All approved,
none opposed.
Dr. Audis and Kim are asking for the boosters' help with the winter guard. There
may be some kids that are not able to afford winter guard. We want to support
any student who can not afford the cost for winter guard. Dr. Audis is willing to
use money from his marching band fund if needed. The funds might also come
from the guards 5,000 budget. The cost for winter guard is 250.00.
Aker Night: Jazz band will be playing at the Hike Shack. We are hoping that
there will be a place for the orchestra to play. We are able to have the marching
band walk around with the tip bags. Dr. Audis also has the Raven as a possible
place for the orchestra to play. We will do everything we can to include all the
kids that want to participate.
Fundraising: At our last football game we brought in 219.00 from the 50150 raffle
and 73.00 from our sales table. The last car wash brought in 1,400. We still
have one box of chocolate bars to sell.
Senior Night: We will continue the tradition of the boutonnieres for the seniors.
We still have about 10 kids that have not paid for the marching band meals. Lani
has sent multiple emails out and is also working with Dr. Audis to collect payment
from the kids.
November 7th will be our next Booster meeting. lt will be held at 12:30pm in the
small room upstairs from the theater. Meeting closed at 7:29pm.