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So much more than music

Prescott High School Instrumental Music:

A Letter From Our President

Dear Band and Orchestra Parents,

Hello to all!  I am Jennifer Whittemore and I am the PHS Band Boosters President this year for the second time after being the Treasurer the year before last. 

This year we have a brand new band director - Dr. Calvin Audis.  We are working together to make this a fabulous year for all of the kids.  We support not only marching band, but concert band, jazz band, drum line, guard and winter guard and orchestra.  As  the parent of a Junior mellophone and french horn player, I know the importance of our wonderful music program. 

Being a part of this great program, I will do everything I can do to make every day a little bit easier for Dr. Audis and for every student in this program. I have witnessed resources being drained away from public schools in our country, particularly in music and the arts, to the point that they have been all but eliminated. I encourage all Band and Orchestra parents to help in any way they can to help raise funds for this program. All money raised is used to purchase music, fix and replace instruments, buy needed equipment, clean and replace uniforms, gowns and tuxedos, offset competition fees, provide scholarships and awards, and pay for travel expenses for the various musical groups throughout the school year. Parents in Prescott have clearly communicated that they want our district to maintain music and the arts. Unfortunately, resources continue to dwindle and the cost of raising musicians continues to soar. Instruments, uniforms, music, competitions, and a host of other expenses cannot be covered by participation fees. It’s not even close.

This is where you come in. We need you. We want and need you to be a part of an organization that has proudly supported our high school musicians for decades. We want and need you to be a part of a family that grows stronger with each festival, competition, and concert.  Please attend our board meetings and see what we are all about.  As a parent of a child in the instrumental music program and/or guard you are a Booster - congratulations!  

It has been said, “No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.” Each of you has something to give - time, resources, connections, energy, presence - and the Prescott Band and Orchestra Boosters are ready to receive all that you have to offer. I have been amazed at the people I have already met that are willing to jump in and help, taking on any responsibility that is needed to serve our kids.

I hope you all feel welcome to embrace the opportunity to support these wonderful kids. Each contribution is meaningful, and is so appreciated. Each moment with the kids is precious. Please take a moment and explore our website to see how you may offer your support.


Gratefully yours,

Jennifer Whittemore

PHS Band Booster President


© 2017 Prescott Band Boosters

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