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Meeting Minutes 08-09-2022

PHS Band Boosters meeting minutes

Date: August 9th 2022

Time: 12:30pm

Location: RST Lounge

Attendees: Jason Taurins (Director), Jennifer Whittemore (President) Tania Higgins (Secretary), Lani Pierie (Treasurer), Lisa Dachenhausen (Band Parent) & Armando Veledez (Orchestra Parent).

CTO: 12:29pm

Motion to approve: Tania H. Lani P second.

Budget approval: Jennifer W. & Tania H second. Motion to approve: Due to no one stepping up to be the new PHS band Booster secretary, we as a Booster are making an exception for this year only to vote Leslie Schuster ( a PMHMS parent) to be the new PHS Band Booster Secretary .Leslie is a parent of an 8th grade child who will be coming into band this following school year of 2023/24 as a 9th grader. Tania Higgins will be moved into the PHS Band Boosters Vice President chair.. Voted on and approved by all. ● Jason T. spoke about desired future trips for the PHS band and orchestra classes for June 2024. 1) Trip 1- Paris France for 80th anniversary of Normandy with other side trips attached. 2) Trip 2- Chec Republic. Figured roughly about $4,000 per student/chaperone. Board asked Jason T. to speak with and get approval from high school principal and school district.

● Jason T. has requested for Band Boosters to pay both Adam Densmore & Tim Brantley who are both the Marching Band drum techs (which is a volunteered position) $500. each for the marching band season. ($1,000 total). Or requested if there was left over monies from another budget to use as payment for the volunteered drum techs. Jason has previously asked school to pay them and the school officials said no because it’s a volunteered position.

● Jason T. still needs to reach out to Disney to apply for trip in April of 2023 and to reach out to the district board for approval of said trip.

● Waiting on AZ Corp for bank updates.

● Marching Band Festival shirts approved, just need to get student sizes then order.

● Band Boosters to fit kids into their Marching Band uniforms Aug 16 2022.

● Band Booster parent meeting officially Aug 16th 2022.

● Prescott Jazz Summit to be held at Prescott high on Saturday August 27th 2022. Jazz students will have a music clinic with Jazz from 10am-2pm. Jazz Summit and PHS Jazz band to perform at PHS 7-pm 9:30pm. B

● Boosters will be selling concessions at the Jazz Summit that night.

● TBA: Picture day.

● Tania H. to email MIssy Townsend for request of tables for the Jazz Summit and students.

● Jennifer W. to follow up with Cal-Ranch to have car wash fundraiser in September.

● Jennifer W. to ask Missy Townsend if band can sell magnets and pizza cards at home football games.

● Band Booster can no longer do 50/50 raffle at football games per Boosters commissioners.

● Finger printing for PHS only to be done if it’s an adult over 18 years of age and an over night trip is required. ~ Jason Taurins excused to go back to class.

● Band boosters deliberated about Jason T. request to pay both Marching Band drum techs volunteers….

● Decision was unanimously no, but this year only we would give a $100 Visa gift card to both marching band drums techs, Adam Densmore & Tim Brantley. Next meeting September 13th 2022 at 12:30pm in the RST lounge. Adjourned: 1:36pm


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